The state of Uttar Pradesh has the worst lifetime risk of maternal mortality in India, and there is a vast shortage of healthcare workers. Over 20,000 physician positions remain unfilled, and there is a shortage of 4,500 nurses. Thus, there is constant need to expand the medical staff at these hospitals, and these jobs provide excellent opportunities for employment of local individuals. For instance, one student attending nursing school results in a 5-fold increase in income, lifting a family out of poverty, while simultaneously providing quality healthcare in their community. Our partner hospitals identify individuals with the compassion and skills needed to be nurses, but with no material means to accomplish that goal. HIT then provides the funds needed to attend school, with the graduating nurses returning to the referring hospital for employment. Purchases of major equipment and repairs of hospitals must also be done by raising funds via donations. Each gift invested here invests in people to change communities. Some of the students we have supported for nursing school are shown in the scrolling photos.
$200: Provides funds for small pieces of equipment.
$750: Funds nursing student education for an entire year.
$3,000: Funds one third needed for advanced medical training of doctors.
$5,000: Funds large equipment and renovations.